Monday, 29 June 2015

Flying the empty skies.

A few things first. Yes, I know it's early Monday morning (in my part of the world) so there are a long list of people that could be off at work/other activities, but looking at the three digit number, representing the currently online population....

From yesterday, the Sunday before today. The numbers are better, but not by much.

I snapped this screenshot 10 days ago, before my last round of "being absent". Now, I usually don't come on during "primetime" (for the sake of conversation, let's pin that down between 7-10 pm, across all of the North American time zones), but still, I would think there would be somewhat better numbers during the "offtimes".

Perhaps, I am wrong?

At the time of writing this, I quickly logged into World of Tanks and selected the West Coast server. 3000+ folks on, right at that moment. Okay, one argument would obviously be that Tanks has been around a lot longer than Planes has, so I have factored that in. Not doing so would only serve to "cherry pick" the facts.

I would have snapped a picture from the "still-not-released" World of Warships too, but the server is currently offline, due to an update. I do have one from yesterday, from within the same time period as now....

The reasons for what is, or should I say, isn't going on, is as varied is the individual interpretations of the people who look at the facts/evidence/conjecture. Tanks, despite having patch issues, over-under balance dilemmas and a long list of other chronic problems, is still rolling people out into the virtual battlefield. Ships, entering the final phase of Closed Beta/first phase of Open Beta has surpassed the hype levels that Planes was able to generate back in it's own pre-lanuch days.

For me, it's a real shame. I still like to sit down and fly amongst the virtual clouds, strafing ground targets and chasing down worthy adversaries, using every trick in the book in an attempt to get an upperhand during each and every encounter.

Still, I am holding on to the hope that things will turn around for World of Warplanes. Either that, or just be another player who will ride this flaming wreck straight into the ground.


A mere 10-ish minutes after posting all of the above, I login to Ships after the update and check out the numbers.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Lead me not into temptation.

Wow, has it been a month already? Feels like yesterday I was talking about, then acquiring the Me 109 TL. However, I knew during this recent absence there was a strong possibility of  returning to more "Birthday Celebrations". Based on the rewards for what is being offered, I just might attempt one or two.

Another nice thing to see, an upcoming "major" Mission. Sadly, I will say "no thanks" and pass this one over. If this were taking place just a few months ago, I probably have jumped at the chance to pick up the Chinese tier VI premium version of the British (but, built in Canada) Heavy Fighter, Mosquito FB 26. In fact, it was part of giftshop package this last November (didn't have money at the time, spent it on another "charity", so to speak), so I will be missing out a second time. As I have laid out in a previous post, acquiring this aircraft (and certain others) doesn't fit into my current and future plans with Planes.

And, as before, I will tip my hat to all of those who accomplish the taskings and put one of these aircraft into their hangars. I wish those folks nothing but the best of luck, who are about to try!

With World of Warships moving into 0.4.0 of it's testing phase, there seems to be some kind of fallout across the rest of the "World of...." titles. One of those issues is the absence of Gold and Free Experience from the accounts. I have been keeping a causal eye on all three forums for news and updates on this, I know I am not the only one either.

Friday, 19 June 2015

No sooner do I come back, I have to go again.

Before I leave to answer the call of real life, I put in one more session with World of Warplanes for my final day. Sure enough, Murphy (of Murphy's Law fame) strikes with a "Birthday Event" I will miss out on, especially with one of my favorite lower tiered aircraft, the Ha 137 V1. Oh well, perhaps I will catch it again at the 9 month mark.

I don't know about you, but it felt like the game didn't want to "give me up" without a fight. It has been some time since I have had a losing streak, that carried over more than a game or two. The downside, I played reasonably well, the enemy teams I face just played that much better. All three defeats were pretty much the same thing, my team is wiped out and I was saved for dessert. The upside, if I was running low on Pneumatic Restarters and First Aid Dressings, here was my big chance to stock back up (seriously, I already have too many of both).

Battle number four finally gave me the victory I was looking for. Both teams put of a valiant fight, but this time, I was on the side that not only outplayed the other, it was a clear and decisive blowout. I always give an "empathic pause" to the other team in situations like this, since I know too well what it is like to be on the receiving end of similar results.

One down, one more to go, out of the planes I selected to play for the day. The Wirraway didn't deliver the quick "easy win" I was hoping to acquire. It seems it took a quick sip from the Stuka's cup before getting airborne. Once again, my team was dismantled and I was the table scraps to be dealt with at the end of the "real battle".

Battle number two turned that around and ended my aerial adventures, for the foreseeable future. Once again, I am not too sure when I will be back from the "realm of reality", but you can be sure, I will be writing stuff here as soon as I get back (I am guessing a week or two, perhaps).

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Things I have done and about to do.

During my absence, I took a hard, long look at what I have accomplished in World of Warplanes and why I make the choices I did. First, I gave a lot of thought of cutting out some projects I had started and the one that was the hardest to let go was my Premium Aircraft Guide on the forums

One of the reasons I walked away from that was, I grew tired of attempting to collect all of the planes when they became available. At first, it was rather easy to earn the aircraft though ingame events and as time passed, those events become more progressively difficult. It's not that I wasn't up to the challenge, it was I didn't have the extra time to spare to try anymore. A case in point....

The Ar 197 was a tier IV premium German biplane offered as part of a pre-order package, over a year ago now. Back then and from those who own one to this day, it is still a formidable aircraft. Same could be said for the tier IV premium Curtiss P-36C....


Those are tempting offers to be sure, since these aircraft are rarely seen these days, but two things stopped me from trying for either, even before I got started.

First, I don't need another lower tiered premium Fighter/Multi-Role/Heavy Fighter to join the ranks of many other earned/purchased aircraft I don't fly anymore, on a regular basis. I have enough "Hangar Queens" over the almost two years of playing. And, this is Planes not Pokemon, I am not interesting on "catching them all", despite my coincidental collection.

Plus, they wouldn't fit into my revised plan of action, something I will talk about in a bit.

Second, I just don't have the time. 125 nation specific aircraft have to be shot down while flying one one aircraft of choice. Really? Looking at the population numbers at random times during the day on the North America server isn't lending much luck in my favor. While I have read about some players who have pulled one and/or both rewards off, I will just tip my hat to them and carry on.

For me, a game is supposed to be a pastime of entertainment, not a time consuming, unpaid job over and above other daily activities and responsibilities. Sitting for that many hours, my body just can't take that anymore (even with getting up and stretching the kinks out).

So, here is what I have decided to do, moving forward through Planes. All of my current grinds through out the nations is on hold, save for one; Germany. I am at tier V with the Junkers Stuka and slowly progressing towards the Junkers Ju 88 P at tier VI. My focus will be to climb up the German Attack Aircraft line, with a minor detour to....

....the tier III premium Commonwealth GA, Wirraway. I have this feeling that the Wirraway is a forerunner to a partial or complete British Attack Aircraft line that could be coming in the near future and if/when that happens, I will have a good crew to man those planes. And speaking of good crews....

....both tier III premium Ha 137's will be making appearances, to at least add some extra skill potential to the German GA pilot, as I progress up the line (neither aircraft as the option for a rear gunner).

The only exception to my "no more lower tiered premium aircraft" policy would be the tier II premium German Attack Aircraft, Fieseler Fi 98. Part novelty, part practicality, I want this plane as part of my plan for progressing up the German line. However, two things will determine if I will get one or not; if it's offered through some ridiculous, over the top requirements mission (time constraints are a factor, as well) and/or a "what were they thinking" overpriced package.

Another plane I am waiting for, with baited breath, the tier VIII premium French GA, SNCAC NC 1070. I might pick this up during the "near the end of the year" holiday special, if offered.

Now, before you think I will just sequester myself to solely flying GA's, I won't. As soon as my other aircraft start to have their "birthdays" and I am around, those planes will be taking to the air in an attempt to collect those rewards.

A little long winded, but that it my plan for now and the future.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Two ways to play the Stuka.

One of the reoccurring themes on the World of Warplanes forums is the discussion of Attack Aircraft. Sadly, most times it brings out the "not so best" of comments and opinions. Let me summarize my interpretation of what I usually read....

"GA are not real planes....only low skill floor players use them....easy to fail to the top with them....they don't contribute to competitive takes more skill to fly Fighters/Heavy Fighters....GA will never determine the outcome of a battle among truly skilled players"

I have read stuff like that and even more, since I first started playing, so long ago now. Most times, I just keep my tongue in check and refrain from making any comments that would fan the flames and derail the ongoing discussion.

However, I can see and understand where those who have grown to dislike seeing GA's in battles, are coming from. I have witnessed, first hand, players who play totally focused on just destroying ground targets. Either they are ignoring or just oblivious to what else is going on around them, stuck in "tunnel vision" mode. I have been caught in that mode many times, myself.

For me, it's frustrating to watch, if I stick around in the battle after I have been removed from the action. I will observe those players, who seem either unwilling to take the chance on aerial combat or truly lack the skill to modify their role in the sortie.

But, that is just talking about GA's in general, let's get to the specifics. The Soviet Attack Aircraft branch have been a mainstay of the game, far before it was even officially released. They are tough, slow and if used wrong, an easy target for for those who can this "poor play" to their advantage. The German GA line sheds some of the toughness for a slight advantage in maneuverability, but once again, it comes down to how it's being used.

Which brings me to the Stuka. Compared to the IL of the same tier, the Stuka gives up an optional bomb load and a hitpoints for guns that can hit very hard. Flying with the stock 20 mm cannons can be an exercise in patience  versus ground targets, but be moderately effective against aerial targets. The 30 mm cannons are slow firing, but wreak havoc against ground targets and can pound away hitpoints from just about any enemy aircraft, if you can line the sights up.

Having said that, I present two examples of the Stuka, flown by me, in both a winning defensive and offensive victories.

Defense for the win.

Before I continue, I want to state I really dislike battles that play out this way. The scenario in brief was this; both teams are wiped out, leaving myself and an enemy P-51A standing. Taking on a Mustang with a Stuka, solo, isn't what I considered to be the wisest of moves, so I used the map to my advantage.... staying within the "green zone" and very close to the still active AA guns. Simply put, I wanted to bank on the Supremacy lead for the win, since I knew the P-51A didn't have enough sustained firepower to turn the tide to their favor. However, I also knew the Stuka couldn't go toe-to-toe with an aircraft that had an energy advantage, namely climbing and turning. In this situation, it turned into the "waiting game" and a very long one at that. Here is the replay, best viewed with the 1.8.2 client....

Offense for the win.

Now, these are the battles I live for, action, drama and a good dose of suspense. While others have stated, over and over, all of the "real action" happens up high, here is an example where the same thing can and does happen a little closer to the Earth.

This one played a little something like this; I start off being the "typical" GA player, just concerned with attacking ground targets. Then, my team is mostly defeated when I make the choice to end this battle, on my terms.

With the enemy team continuing to attack friendly ground targets, they give away their position to me. All I had to do was disengage the ground, fly on over and take the battle to the air. Two planes fall in quick succession and after a bit of a drawn out turn fight....

....the third and last enemy plane becomes ashes. More often then not, there is where other GA players fail to capitalize on the given situation. If I chose to hide, the enemy team would have collected and surpassed my team in Supremacy. Perhaps, one or more of them might have come looking for me, adding another kill and ending the battle that much quicker. For me, I had only one choice to follow through on, not allow either fate to happen. The replay of how that all went down....

Two battles won, presented from two different tactics, from the same player. Luck or skill? You be the judge.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Just in time for the party!

Although I won't be around much this week, I will post some of my findings and adventures while I am here, time permitting of course. And, my brief "welcome back" had a few surprises to start my return off right, or so I thought.

It was time to party, both my tier IV premium Soviet Attack Aircraft, LBSh, and Beta/after release reward tier IV premium American Fighter, Model 81A-1, were having birthdays. Meh, why not see if I can collect some prizes?

I saddled up with my old "tried and true" performer, the LBSh, and was on the losing team for the first two battles. I was most not-impressed with this less than stellar start....

The first battle was a blow-out disaster. Part of the problem was the fact I haven't played in 2 weeks and jumped into a Live battle, cold. That and coupled with the fact, I played in a "ground attack only" role. The other part of why things went wrong, my team was out played, plain and simple.

The second battle was on a different map, but the same story as the first. My team was taken apart plane by plane and I was saved for last, swarmed by a wave of reds.

However, third time was the charm, as they say. My team held together and our semi-cohesion won the day, finally.

Things were very different for the Model 81A-1. First, I got my favorite map, Winter War. Second, I was the top tiered plane for our team. Thirdly, and most importantly, my team played their aircraft to their absolute strengths. The enemy A5M did give me a hard time, but my Curtiss held together for the win.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring, since today's parties are over....