Sticking to my word, the second thing I did this morning, after logging into World of Warplanes and collecting my two War Cache tokens for the day, was cashing them in on a new tier VIII premium aircraft. I took my accumulated total of 120 of those tokens, with some additional ingame Gold and purchased one with a deep discount.
As tempted as I had been to spend the tokens on the Wheel of Fortune option, I just couldn't pass up the "more certain" price reduction on these upper tiered aircraft, as opposed to chancing on luck with an even greater discount on lower tiered premium planes. Plus, I am not that much of a lucky gambler.
Plus, after this was brought to my attention, how about no thanks. So, before I talk about the plane I did acquire, I will give my reasons for those I didn't.
Mitsubishi J8M Shusui. I have seen videos and replays of this plane in action. Being a rocket powered glider, it has a ludicrous climb/dive rate when boosted. Once I took away that "awe factor", I realized that's about all it's got going for it. Armed with only 2X30mm cannons and built with Japanese frailness, I doubt I would have much success with it. However, I predict seeing future comments from those that own one, sharing great tales of their battle performance. I know I won't, after exercising foresight into avoiding this, for me, "incompatible" aircraft.
Lavochkin La-11. Once I first learned about the three aircraft that were part of the War Cache event, I was almost immediately disappointed with seeing this plane in the lineup. I looked very closely for any legitimate reason to consider this aircraft, over the others and couldn't find any. Other than increased credit generation and pilot training, it brings nothing to the table, that both the La-7 and La-9, from the Soviet tech trees, don't already do.
With two out of three planes eliminated, the choice I made should be quite obvious. Now, I will explain why. First, it's the only one out of the bunch that has a previous history in the game....
Long before I started playing World of Warplanes, the Me 109TL was already there, but it did undergo a few changes along the way, here are the two most notable ones....
Version 0.4.3 June 2013
Me. 262, Bf. 109TL, Me. 262 HG III - moved to the Heavy Fighter branch, maintaining the same tiers. If you own the Me. 109TL, you will receive the Me. P.1092 with the top configuration.
Version 0.5.3 September 2013
Me. 109TL - replaced in German heavy fighters tree with Me. 262HG II. If you own the Me. 109TL, you will receive the Me. 262HG II with the top configuration.
Then, there were the opinions of the aircraft, during those times....
Written by Reagalan
Tier IX
"Messerschmitt Me 109TL
By virtue of being the least-bad tier 9, the 109TL was good last patch. It maintains it’s supremacy, being challenged only by the La-160, the only other not-entirely-awful plane in this tier. The firepower is very good, turn rate amazing, but it
does have very poor low speed handling, and the acceleration isn’t too good either."
Written by AdmiralKird
"Me109TL – Possibly better than all the tier tens. It can out turn everything at high tiers in a prolonged fight, has great guns, great climb, stores energy well, great speed. There’s really no learning curve, as it flies like most lower tier planes. There’s nothing to not love about it. It’s only downfall might be its engines are easy to pick off sine they lie closer to the wingtips of the plane, but their separation also makes it so you will rarely lose more than one at a time, unless its hit by the spray of a P51JP.
Bonus: You are afraid of NOTHING.
Grade: A+"
Just before the end of the Open Beta testing period in November, 2013, it was announced that the Me 109TL and a few other planes that had been "grandfathered" to players during the changes, were to vanish, with an unknown return date, if ever.
Although I don't perform nearly as well as I hoped to, I do have experience with German jets. Despite the low battlecount, my Me 262 has been in my hanger for a very long time, part of a stalled attempt to climb that nation's Heavy Fighter line. I do like it for the speed and firepower, but haven't become too proficient with handling it properly. And, when I do very poorly with it, I pay most dearly.
Which brings me to my final decision. Here are two planes that are very similar to each other in a lot of ways, but have enough differences to make them very distinguishable as well. It's the similarities that I am banking on, the hope between flying both of these aircraft, I can improve on the upper tiered German jet Boom and Zoom playstyle. However, the TL should bring a lot more flexibility to the fight, over the 262.
And, one of them shouldn't rob me blind when I make mistakes, if it has been implemented right.