Thursday, 14 May 2015

New update, but returning to my old ways.

Now that 1.8 is on the North America server and having a quick chance to look at the new War Cache feature, it would seem some of my previous guesses were right. As opposed to laying out all of my findings here, I will just proceed through the Missions as best I can, posting my progress or lack there off, along the way.

The upside, if I complete the Primary Tasks of any selected Mission, they will allow me to return and make an attempt at completing the Additional Task, at a time of my choosing. That, I do like. However, after reading some of the comments from the European Union and Russian forums, it would seem that acquiring any of the three premium aircraft for tokens, as I already guessed before, could be just beyond my grasp....


Another thing, I am not going to fall for this....

Sorry, I would rather collect any rewards on what I accomplish, not play high stakes gambling on a tempting prize where, with my Charlie Brown luck, the odds are not in my favor. Besides, I have already seen this before, from another game....

....except I earned those. So, if I don't spend anything on those there, why would I start to do that here? If I really wanted to play any type of casino game, I can find those easily enough.

So, the Missions were looked at and the gambling part is dismissed, how should I go about making my attempt? Simple, I will return to a "tried, tested and true" method that has worked for me in the past and just perhaps, perform on the same levels now....

....I have returned to flying my Soviet Attack Aircraft. Both the tier IV LBSh and tier V IL-2 (mod.) will be rotated back into action, along with my progression up the German line. For now, my tier III BSh-1 and both Ha 137's are on standby, depending on what the Mission requirements are. However, I am hoping my first battle of 1.8 is an indication of things yet to come....

One partially down, so many more to go and less then 12 days to do it.

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