With June right around the corner and my real life about to become very busy, I have to step back from this blog for a while. Between some intense training and employment activities, I will be putting this hobby on hold, but I do look forward to returning to this and continuing on, as time permits.
Before I pause my current adventures and commentary in World of Warplanes, I want to thank all of those who took the time to read this and the other posts I have made previously. Even if a few people got some entertainment/information value from this endevour, than one of my goals for doing this has been satisfied.
Anyways, on with my final train of thought.
With the "Planes Birthdays" on activated, I figured I would take a shot at collecting either from my tier VII American Multi-Role Fighter, F2G Super Corsair and/or tier VII Soviet Fighter, La-7.
Despite giving it my best shot, I failed miserably with the Corsair and through persistence (or, stubbornness, depending on how you could view things) I pulled it off with the La-7.
I lost track of the amount of times I was shot down and my team was defeated, but in the end, I achieved this little mini-goal. During the process, I came to the conclusion, despite my best efforts, Fighters and Heavy Fighters are just not my thing. Funny, you would think after all this time I would have known this, but I kept at it with hopes my skills would improve, relying less on luck to pull off the impossible.
So, with this "insight" fresh in my mind, I recalled something that happened during the 1.8 Common Test server. While tring to complete the Missions to pick of a "Testers emblem" I achieved a Meyer Medal Class II. Along with the Thunder achievement, the Meyer Medal is one of those coveted tokens that Ground Attack players strive for, much like the Galland Medal and Ace for Fighter/Heavy Fighter players. Dusting off my trusty old tier VIII IL-20, I took to the skies to see if I could close that chapter where it would really count....
....and the second battle produced the results I was looking for.
Now, I can go away and deal with other things, since my house is now in order, for when I will return.
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