Friday 19 June 2015

No sooner do I come back, I have to go again.

Before I leave to answer the call of real life, I put in one more session with World of Warplanes for my final day. Sure enough, Murphy (of Murphy's Law fame) strikes with a "Birthday Event" I will miss out on, especially with one of my favorite lower tiered aircraft, the Ha 137 V1. Oh well, perhaps I will catch it again at the 9 month mark.

I don't know about you, but it felt like the game didn't want to "give me up" without a fight. It has been some time since I have had a losing streak, that carried over more than a game or two. The downside, I played reasonably well, the enemy teams I face just played that much better. All three defeats were pretty much the same thing, my team is wiped out and I was saved for dessert. The upside, if I was running low on Pneumatic Restarters and First Aid Dressings, here was my big chance to stock back up (seriously, I already have too many of both).

Battle number four finally gave me the victory I was looking for. Both teams put of a valiant fight, but this time, I was on the side that not only outplayed the other, it was a clear and decisive blowout. I always give an "empathic pause" to the other team in situations like this, since I know too well what it is like to be on the receiving end of similar results.

One down, one more to go, out of the planes I selected to play for the day. The Wirraway didn't deliver the quick "easy win" I was hoping to acquire. It seems it took a quick sip from the Stuka's cup before getting airborne. Once again, my team was dismantled and I was the table scraps to be dealt with at the end of the "real battle".

Battle number two turned that around and ended my aerial adventures, for the foreseeable future. Once again, I am not too sure when I will be back from the "realm of reality", but you can be sure, I will be writing stuff here as soon as I get back (I am guessing a week or two, perhaps).

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