Thursday 16 April 2015

Island Excursion, last hop to the final touchdown.

Our last layover at Vancouver International Airport lasted around an hour. My wife informed me our next plane was going to be another Bombardier Q400. Since it wasn't going to be a new or unique experience on this trip, thus far, I decided that my picture taking was pretty much done. At least, until we landed in Victoria.

The hour of waiting flew by very quickly, but not nearly as fast as the flight would be, a mere twenty minutes. This included the taking off and landing part too! The only thing remotely of interest was snapping this picture....

....of a few unmarked Convair CV-580's as we were about to takeoff. Exciting huh? The flight over the Strait of Georgia was about as eventful as watching grass grow on high speed. It felt like no sooner had we taken off, landing procedures for YYJ, Victoria International Airport, began.
Leaving the last plane of the day behind, we walked to the terminal, collected the keys for our rental car and finished the day by driving to our new temporary home for the next ten days....

It was here my son received his little jet gift my wife and I purchased in Vancouver and proceeded to show me how he thought a just should sound and operate. His 737 has machine guns....

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