Thanks, once again, to Gang_Starr and their work on the recent World of Warplanes stream translation. For me, the effort has put to rest some of the over-sensationalized gossip and my own falsely founded emotions that was generated from the release from the original "translation" from this source Despite the lack of any retraction on how the original post was presented, it would seem the lesson was learned with the second one
Thanks, but no thanks Rita, being duped by you for the first and last time is enough for me.
However, Gang_Starr wasn't quite done yet. They posted this little tidbit that piqued my interest about an upcoming Mission and/or event. I heard rumors of this, some time back, but this confirms for me, that it will finally come to pass.
I have been fortunate enough to collect just about every premium aircraft that has been offered through these ingame Missions. Some were an exercise in patience, others were almost pure frustration.
Despite not doing very well with it, or flying it all that often, the premium tier VII Meteor British Fighter is the pride and joy of my hangar. Not only was it a big test to see if I could actually accomplish it, putting all of my ingame skills on the line, but also an exercise in physical stamina and endurance, since I was going to be sitting for many, many hours in front of my computer monitor.
I broke down what it was going to take to get it done here and just under a month later, I took mine out for it's first flight into a Random Battle The Meteor had value for me, since the only other premium British Fighter I had was the Miles M.20 at tier V, good for those mid-tier games. Now, the Meteor covered the upper-tiered spectrum, if I wanted to play up there.
Out of all of the aircraft that could be earned from the Missions, only the tier VII Soviet Fighter, Yak-3RD, isn't in my hangar. I didn't believe I needed a higher tiered, mixed propulsion (has both a propeller and a jet engine) Soviet Fighter, armed with only one gun. The plane itself didn't do much for me or the direction I wanted to go in the game. Plus, I had the Meteor, which I still believed was a much stronger performer, as far as premiums go.
Another part of the Mission requirements was the ability to deal out a lot of damage to enemy aircraft, with severe restrictions. Damage from using Attack Aircraft didn't count, only shots from Fighters and Heavy Fighters did. Needless to say, based partly on that alone, gave me reason to not try too hard to acquire one, since Fighters/Heavy Fighters were not my strong suit in terms of playstyle. I made some of my points and observations here
In the end, the value of the aircraft vs the effort I would have to put out, far and above what the Meteor required, wasn't worth it, in my opinion.
So, with news of a premium tier VIII British something coming with 1.8, last heard scheduled for sometime in May, I can't help but wonder, what it is and what will it take to get one.
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